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Monthly BOLD Drinks

  • When and Where*: Every 2nd Thursday of the Month. Join us on the following dates and locations:
    • 18 January at Klippa in Groningen
    • 8 February in Amsterdam
    • 14 March at Dyflexis in The Hague
  • Time: 18:00 to 21:00 Including Drinks & Dinner

*Would you also like to host a future edition? Let us know via

 Sign up below for any of the upcoming editions 

What's in it for you?

  • A get-together, hosted by a BOLD founder, at their office. 
  • Connect with fellow BOLD founders and C-Levels in a fun and informal way.
  • Discuss your business and personal challenges in-person in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. 
  • Including drinks and bites.
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Upcoming Editions:

  • 18 January at Klippa in Groningen
    Founded in 2015, Klippa’s goal is to digitize & automate administrative processes with modern technologies. As Klippa continues to  grow and their previous office was too small (again), they decided to move to a space of their own. And so for the January Drinks edition, Jaël Oterdoom, Head of People and Operations, at Klippa welcomes you at their brand new HQ in Groningen. In their new office, the number of workplaces have been doubled and new meeting rooms and relaxation areas have been created. The open space provides the perfect environment for Drinks. The Drinks will be hosted alongside the MxT conference happening in Groningen on 17 and 18 January, so you can both enjoy the event as well as gather with community members. 
  • 14 March at Dyflexis in The Hague
    Born out of a personal business frustration, In his mother’s garage, Joshua wrote the first version of Dyflexis that was launched in 2008. Two years later, Joshua met with the brothers Thomas and Matthijs van den Ende, who saw great potential in Dyflexis and were very eager to introduce it to the world. Right from the very first pitch, Thomas and Matthijs perfectly convey their enthusiasm and twelve years later Dyflexis has grown into a multinational company with over 60 employees and provides more than 3000 companies with a personnel planning solution.
    The office of Dyflexis is an absolute reflection of the enthusiasm and joy of the two brothers. The office holds a racecourse, pool table and a meters long wall painting that shows their founder journey. The rest is up to them to explain during the March Drinks edition, when Matthijs and Thomas welcome you in The Hague.